
Writing B2B content is unique in many ways, primarily due to the reader who is typically an expert in the same field and can cut through the fluff very easily. Unless the value proposition is clearly stated in a short and structured manner the chances of a new business or developing a relationship or merely an introduction may be lost in a moment!

Content writing market is overflowing with highly skilled writers. However the bias is towards writing for B2C campaings where the objective is to surround an average buyer with more than necessary informaiton to give an impression of a trustworthy brand. This does not work well with B2B executives.

Hippie Corporate is a dynamic community of writers & business experts who pool in their expertise and professional experience to create value-driven content based on client needs.

What is "Value-writing"?

"Value-writing" is an approach adopted by Hippie Corporate community which incorporates the best practices for bringing out the most powerful value proposition in a writeup.

  • Top down structure
  • Well articulated problem statement & solution
  • Mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive (MECE) bundling of information
  • Crip & simplified insights without any fluff
  • Fact based and data driven rationale

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